Years of Youth Rep

Years of Youth Rep

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


"At NHTP I was a member of the Youth Repertory Company, but I didn’t begin that way. I was first introduced to NHTP when they did the York Middle School Shakespeare Festival. The directors were so engaging, creative, and encouraging that I was instantly intrigued. After the festival, I contacted them to explore what was offered for classes at NHTP. After a year of classes, I was invited to youth rep, and eventually the Senior Rep Company. I did that all the way through my sophomore year of high school.Now I’m at the University of Maine studying to be a secondary education teacher with a concentration in history and English as a second language, and a minor in Spanish.
To say NHTP helped shape me into the person I am today would be an understatement.Besides the obvious lessons one acquires from being in a group, responsibility,teamwork, listening skills etc., I am constantly amazed by how it influences my everyday life. By being involved with such an amazing group of talented,diverse, and energetic people I learned invaluable skills. Whenever a professor notes my presentation abilities, I give all that credit to NHTP. When I find myself in front of an audience, which is a frequent situation for a teacher, I’m conscious of my body’s positioning, my articulation, my self-assuredness (whether actually there or not, acting allows me to fudge it), and how I emphasize the important points; that is due to the instruction I received from NHTP. It taught me to problem solve my way through little things, an interrupting student throws one off much like a dropped line in a production. However,perhaps the most important ability I acquired from NHTP was the confidence to explore.To ensure my creativity always has an outlet. To go for that big idea I have.  It may not always work, but through my time acting/stage managing at NHTP I learned that if you don’t at least express your creativity you are losing your most valuable contribution to the world around you. I hope that I can only pass on this message to my students, so thatthey too can see the value of their inherent ingenuity! I’m so grateful to NHTP for all that they have taught me, thank you; I owe you one!"

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